25 de febrero de 2012

Source 0.1 beta

Hi i´m going to publish the source code, there are two versions :

1- Based in analogRead just use 1 pin to read all the buttons, is based on the DFRobot LCD Keypad (Diagram) (here you can buy it

if you can get the same resistences you have to buy some similars and then calibrate the code. (TODO : make a calibrator)

2- Based on the old version , Using digitalRead use uno pin for each button just use 10k resistors. This code is for arduino mega, you have to change the pins configurations

Sorry for my bad english! 

5 comentarios:

  1. Great work, thank you...

    I have one more question, monday i'm expecting to receive an Arduino Atmega328 do you know if it can handle that bomb? Or it needs a better processor?


    1. The arduino uno? or compatible with that is fine. but you has to use the AnalogRead Code. =D

  2. Hello my friend..

    I've completed the scheme like you have it in the diagram, but i've no DFRobot Shield, like in your old version. But when i connect the power source, it goes 'crazy' always passing all hte options and i coun't select any of it, looks like the press switches aren't working!! Can you help me?

  3. Sure i can, please send me your email, i'll send it to your email, ok?


    Thanks for your help
